FREE 2023 Goal Setting Workbook

FREE 2023 Goal Setting Workbook

Get ready to set your most powerful intentions for 2023 and beyond with my FREE goal-setting workbook. This free printable workbook encourages you to reflect on 2022 and the lessons learned while then focusing on 2023 and what you want to achieve. These 20 powerful...
Sorry I’ve Been ?

Sorry I’ve Been ?

Sorry I’ve been sh*t  This is going to be the headline on my email to my email subscribers. This was also the image I used in my [Level:Up] The Level Up Community for Living Life Better with Gemma Ray Facebook group too. Pretty much every social avenue I have as an...
Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

I’ve started the mother of all accountability challenges. On Sunday, I don’t know why I just felt so sad and low. I’d had a week off and I don’t do well with time off. I’m a doer. I’m not a person who relaxes easy and so taking a...