What. A. Day.
I’ve given birth today. For the third time. First time was to a baby. Second and third time to a book. I swear it’s pretty much the same process and levels of pain and stress!
Today I launched my second book – Stop Procrastinating and Start Living: Beat Procrastination and Boost Productivity for Self Care and Success.
Should point out that it is only free until the Amazon tech gods say it is. By the time you come to read this blog, it might be back up to full price again so be quick and check!
Delaying the Launch
The book actually went live on Sunday but we wanted to run a free promotion for the book so we didn’t properly launch until today.
This morning, before the book went free, it appeared as #1 in over 8 categories on both the UK and US Amazon sites under ‘Hot New Releases’.
Once the book became free for the promotional period, it doesn’t appear in the Hot New Releases chart, but it did become a best seller and secure the #1 spot in over 12 different categories!
By 7:30pm it was #4 OVERALL on the whole Kindle free chart.
The work is not done though. In order to try and maintain the same kind of traction that my first book Self Discipline has enjoyed, we need to continue to drive people to download the book for free while we can and then maintain sales next week. This will hopefully push the book into the elusive #1 positions in the paid chart which is the really important bit.
Becoming #1 best seller in the free chart is awesome and gives the book a lot of kudos, but being free it doesn’t pay the bills! So hopefully it will generate enough momentum and interest to continue to drive sales next week when the book becomes a paid product again. There is also the hope that this strategy will drive the sales of my original book, Self Discipline too.
Thank You for the Support
Thank you for all the amazing support you have shown the book so far. The feedback so far has been incredible and I am so pleased that this book is genuinely helping people at a time when the world feels like many of us are struggling to get motivated.
Please do continue to share it, read it, review it and let me know what you think.
Gem ♥️
PS – I could not do ANY of this without my amazing business partner and world’s greatest accountability buddy, Ben Jones. I am forever grateful to my awesome friend and book business partner. If you’re reading this and you have a book that you are desperate to publish then get in touch if you’d like to be put in touch with Ben to discuss his services.
Gemma Ray is radio presenter, best selling author, communications coach and always the most filthy person in a WhatsApp group chat. Gemma tells it like it is and opens up about the stuff most people would never even dare admit to themselves, let alone put out in public.
Join Gemma on a refreshingly honest, powerful and inspirational journey of self-love, self-belief and self-trust through her books, blog and courses to help you take action on your goals.
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