by Gemma Ray | Jun 28, 2020
On Sundays I like to set a journal prompt in my Facebook community group. This week’s is inspired by my friend Kirsty Quigley. I have written about Kirsty on this blog before and interviewed her on my Facebook page, Gemma Ray – Life Unfiltered. Kirsty has...
by Gemma Ray | Jun 21, 2020
After my last blog on dropping expectations and saving my marriage, it opened up many conversations with a lot of people. Couples asked for help and advice and along with my own experiences with dropping expectation, I recommended taking the Five Love Languages quiz....
by Gemma Ray | Jun 17, 2020
Every couple has their ups and downs. I know my husband will squirm seeing this title. He’s not as overshare-y as me. Yet this is a really important topic and I wanted to touch on it because it’s something I say to people until I am blue in the face. I say...
by Gemma Ray | Jun 10, 2020
*If you can’t be bothered to read all this, I did an in-depth training video on this in my Self Discipline Support Group on Facebook. Click here to request to join the group.* Who could you be if you gave it your best shot for three months? ...
by Gemma Ray | Jun 3, 2020
Detoxing My Shitty Habits I am going through a detox. It is horrific and exciting all at the same time. As I write this I am 104 days alcohol free. 15 days coffee free and 2 days sugar free. The alcohol is getting banished for good (read all about why here). The...