How To Dominate Your Deadlines

How To Dominate Your Deadlines

Do you procrastinate on deadlines? Do you leave things until the last possible minute causing lots of stress? If so, this week’s Level: Up work hack is for you! via GIPHY How to Play to Your Strengths and Dominate Deadlines If you are someone who always leaves...
Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

I’ve started the mother of all accountability challenges. On Sunday, I don’t know why I just felt so sad and low. I’d had a week off and I don’t do well with time off. I’m a doer. I’m not a person who relaxes easy and so taking a...
The Power of a Productivity Song

The Power of a Productivity Song

“I’d love to be as focused as you,” someone said to me yesterday. Which made me smile because I often don’t feel focused at all. I don’t think many of us can honestly say we nail our productivity levels every day and that’s OK and...
Five Tips on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Five Tips on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Apparently even Albert Einstein felt like a fraud at times and suffered with imposter syndrome, so if you’ve been feeling it too, then don’t worry – even the greatest minds suffer from this crushing self doubt. I don’t know about you but the...
Who could you be in 12 weeks?

Who could you be in 12 weeks?

*If you can’t be bothered to read all this, I did an in-depth training video on this in my Self Discipline Support Group on Facebook. Click here to request to join the group.*   Who could you be if you gave it your best shot for three months?  ...