by Gemma Ray | Dec 5, 2020
Every Saturday I set a series of journal prompts that should last you through the week (Or if you’re feeling super sprightly you might want to do them all in one go?). You also might choose to pick and omit prompts from the list. There’s no right or wrong...
by Gemma Ray | Jun 28, 2020
On Sundays I like to set a journal prompt in my Facebook community group. This week’s is inspired by my friend Kirsty Quigley. I have written about Kirsty on this blog before and interviewed her on my Facebook page, Gemma Ray – Life Unfiltered. Kirsty has...
by Gemma Ray | Jun 21, 2020
After my last blog on dropping expectations and saving my marriage, it opened up many conversations with a lot of people. Couples asked for help and advice and along with my own experiences with dropping expectation, I recommended taking the Five Love Languages quiz....
by Gemma Ray | May 31, 2020
“Did you have a good day then, mum?” my 9 year old son asked as I tucked his tired and tiny little frame into bed last night. “Good day? Blake, it was one of the best days of my life.” “REALLY???” “Yes, definitely. I thought I...