My Most Powerful Self Love Affirmation for 2023

My Most Powerful Self Love Affirmation for 2023

Do you have a word of the year? It’s something I do every year and a question in my free 2023 Reflections workbook (click here to get your copy – a great way to start the new year). I thought I had my word of the year sorted. I usually start thinking about...
FREE 2023 Goal Setting Workbook

FREE 2023 Goal Setting Workbook

Get ready to set your most powerful intentions for 2023 and beyond with my FREE goal-setting workbook. This free printable workbook encourages you to reflect on 2022 and the lessons learned while then focusing on 2023 and what you want to achieve. These 20 powerful...
How to Stop Feeling the Festive Overwhelm

How to Stop Feeling the Festive Overwhelm

Overwhelm is the pits, isn’t it? It feels like you have a backpack full of rocks on your shoulders, dragging you down and backward at every opportunity. It’s heavy and hard and no matter how much you seem to mentally push back against it, it doesn’t...
How to Reduce Your Mental Load with Fair Play by Eve Rodsky

How to Reduce Your Mental Load with Fair Play by Eve Rodsky

I got a bee in my bonnet this week, or as I like to so eloquently put it “Felt like I had sand in my vagina.” It was all because Kim Kardashian came out and gave the following advice to women in business: “Get off your fucking ass and work. Nobody...
I’m So Annoyed About My New Book

I’m So Annoyed About My New Book

OK, not really. Well, maybe a little bit. You see I wrote my latest book Stop Procrastinating in Six Steps in a couple of hours. I should point out that the process of then getting said couple of hours of work into print took WEEKS but the point is the initial writing...
Sorry I’ve Been ?

Sorry I’ve Been ?

Sorry I’ve been sh*t  This is going to be the headline on my email to my email subscribers. This was also the image I used in my [Level:Up] The Level Up Community for Living Life Better with Gemma Ray Facebook group too. Pretty much every social avenue I have as an...
Dropping Balls

Dropping Balls

How many balls do you juggle? And how many are made of plastic? And how many are made of glass? This was a question I posed to my podcast co-host, Claire Morton, on our latest episode of Honest to Gob podcast. It came from my friend Stacey. She reminded me recently...
Journal Prompts: Personal Energy

Journal Prompts: Personal Energy

Every Saturday I set a series of journal prompts that should last you through the week (Or if you’re feeling super sprightly you might want to do them all in one go?). You also might choose to pick and omit prompts from the list. There’s no right or wrong...