What I’ve Learned By Not Drinking For Six Months

What I’ve Learned By Not Drinking For Six Months

Lessons from being six months sober “You’ve got to stop saying it like that. it makes you sound like a recovering alcoholic!” Said my husband yesterday when I proudly announced: “I’m six months sober today!” I should point out that...
Overcoming Mum Guilt in a Post-Pandemic World

Overcoming Mum Guilt in a Post-Pandemic World

I did a live video on my Facebook page tonight where I asked “When are you at your best?” and I don’t know where it came from, but I cried as I spoke aloud of the mum guilt I feel every day. I’m typing this now in my office upstairs in my house...
I Just Want to Be a Bit Better

I Just Want to Be a Bit Better

Detoxing My Shitty Habits I am going through a detox. It is horrific and exciting all at the same time. As I write this I am 104 days alcohol free. 15 days coffee free and 2 days sugar free. The alcohol is getting banished for good (read all about why here). The...
My Anxiety Has Gone – 90 Days Alcohol Free

My Anxiety Has Gone – 90 Days Alcohol Free

“I can tell the difference in you. You were pretty unhappy and now your career, your family life – I can tell how much better you feel and and how much more confident in yourself you are.” My friend Nicola sent me that yesterday. It was ace to get a...