How To Dominate Your Deadlines

How To Dominate Your Deadlines

Do you procrastinate on deadlines? Do you leave things until the last possible minute causing lots of stress? If so, this week’s Level: Up work hack is for you! via GIPHY How to Play to Your Strengths and Dominate Deadlines If you are someone who always leaves...
How To Make Your Journal Writing Practise Easier

How To Make Your Journal Writing Practise Easier

I love a good session emptying my head in my journal and I know a lot of my readers do too. I enjoy the process of creating specific journal prompts to a couple of my 1:1 clients after our calls. We make them relevant to what is happening in their lives. One of the...
Why We All Need To ‘Sit In Our Sh*t’ At Times

Why We All Need To ‘Sit In Our Sh*t’ At Times

View this post on Instagram Just because someone else has it worse, doesn’t make your problems any smaller. #toxicpositivity #mindset #support A post shared by Gemma Ray #PullYourFingerOut (@gemmadeeray) on Oct 14, 2020 at 11:56am PDT If there’s one habit in...
Reflecting and Retreating Into a Cosy October

Reflecting and Retreating Into a Cosy October

Autumn is always my favourite season. Not only do the teals, purples, mustard and burgundy colours of the season go well with my red-headed colouring, but I love how the nights draw in and we scurry for warmth. I love big knits and the dancing white mist of hot breath...
Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

Would You Bet £500 on Your Own Success?

I’ve started the mother of all accountability challenges. On Sunday, I don’t know why I just felt so sad and low. I’d had a week off and I don’t do well with time off. I’m a doer. I’m not a person who relaxes easy and so taking a...
The Power of a Productivity Song

The Power of a Productivity Song

“I’d love to be as focused as you,” someone said to me yesterday. Which made me smile because I often don’t feel focused at all. I don’t think many of us can honestly say we nail our productivity levels every day and that’s OK and...
What I’ve Learned By Not Drinking For Six Months

What I’ve Learned By Not Drinking For Six Months

Lessons from being six months sober “You’ve got to stop saying it like that. it makes you sound like a recovering alcoholic!” Said my husband yesterday when I proudly announced: “I’m six months sober today!” I should point out that...
Celebrating One Year with The BBC

Celebrating One Year with The BBC

I can’t quite believe someone lets me loose on the airwaves every week but it’s been one whole year since Nicola Adam and I started our very first show on BBC Radio Lancashire. This time last year we were broadcasting from 4-6 pm and our show was called...
Do you need discipline to take time off?

Do you need discipline to take time off?

Do you struggle to switch off? You’re not the only one. According to a Direct Line Travel Insurance survey, 4 million British employees don’t take their annual leave every year, with 34% claiming that their workload is too heavy, 22% claim that they only take...
Overcoming Mum Guilt in a Post-Pandemic World

Overcoming Mum Guilt in a Post-Pandemic World

I did a live video on my Facebook page tonight where I asked “When are you at your best?” and I don’t know where it came from, but I cried as I spoke aloud of the mum guilt I feel every day. I’m typing this now in my office upstairs in my house...