How to Stop Sh*tting in Your Positivity Pants

How to Stop Sh*tting in Your Positivity Pants

I like to get dressed in to my figurative positivity pants every day. I like to start my day on the right foot, practise gratitude, meditate, journal and feel happy and positive about the day ahead. When I explain the Law of Attraction to people my explanation is...
Five Tips on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Five Tips on Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Apparently even Albert Einstein felt like a fraud at times and suffered with imposter syndrome, so if you’ve been feeling it too, then don’t worry – even the greatest minds suffer from this crushing self doubt. I don’t know about you but the...
The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

After my last blog on dropping expectations and saving my marriage, it opened up many conversations with a lot of people. Couples asked for help and advice and along with my own experiences with dropping expectation, I recommended taking the Five Love Languages quiz....
I Saved My Marriage When I Dropped My Expectations

I Saved My Marriage When I Dropped My Expectations

Every couple has their ups and downs. I know my husband will squirm seeing this title. He’s not as overshare-y as me. Yet this is a really important topic and I wanted to touch on it because it’s something I say to people until I am blue in the face. I say...
Who could you be in 12 weeks?

Who could you be in 12 weeks?

*If you can’t be bothered to read all this, I did an in-depth training video on this in my Self Discipline Support Group on Facebook. Click here to request to join the group.*   Who could you be if you gave it your best shot for three months?  ...
I Just Want to Be a Bit Better

I Just Want to Be a Bit Better

Detoxing My Shitty Habits I am going through a detox. It is horrific and exciting all at the same time. As I write this I am 104 days alcohol free. 15 days coffee free and 2 days sugar free. The alcohol is getting banished for good (read all about why here). The...
No1 Best Selling Book in 12 Categories!

No1 Best Selling Book in 12 Categories!

Wowzers. What. A. Day. I’ve given birth today. For the third time. First time was to a baby. Second and third time to a book. I swear it’s pretty much the same process and levels of pain and stress! Today I launched my second book – Stop...